How to stop procrastinating

I don't know whether I'm a typical procrastinator. I avoid unpleasant and difficult tasks by doing difficult tasks that I enjoy. I'm not a time-waster, but the effect is the same: I repeatedly struggle to get finished with projects that I deem to be the most important. I paused my "modified" procrastinating for a moment and decided to post on this summary by Eric Barker, who consistently does a good job of posting on self-improvement topics. The take home is this, but do check out the article, which is filled with useful links:

  • You don’t need more willpower. You need to build a solid habit that helps you get to work.
  • Getting started is the tricky part. Turn that habit into a “personal starting ritual.” It can even have some fun to it as long as it signals that in a few minutes, it’s time to get cranking.
  • The most powerful habits change how you see yourself. Think about what makes you feel like someone who gets things done and make that a part of your starting ritual.
  • Eat chocolate with friends. Maybe not literally, but it’s a good reminder that you need both rewards and a support network to build rock solid new habits.
Here's one other excellent article by Eric Barker, along the same lines: How To Stop Being Lazy And Get More Done – 5 Expert Tips. I do like the idea of scheduling EVERYTHING, and not simply making to-do lists. Point two of the list below is also golden.
  • To-Do Lists Are Evil. Schedule Everything.
  • Assume You’re Going Home at 5:30, Then Plan Your Day Backwards
  • Make A Plan For The Entire Week
  • Do Very Few Things, But Be Awesome At Them
  • Less Shallow Work, Focus On The Deep Stuff

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“The Imitation Game” is a poor imitation.

Saw "The Imitation Game" last night. Lots of eye candy (elaborate scenery, extras, vintage war footage) but as is so often the case, the film-makers forgot to pay enough attention to the screen play, which made cartoons of Alan Turing, his thought process and those he worked with. I can barely recommend it, despite that fact that his story is so incredibly compelling, heroic and, in the end, sad.

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Eight ways to get money out of politics

How can ordinary citizens help to get money out of politics? Here are eight ways, courtesy of Bill Moyers. 1) AMEND THE CONSTITUTION 2) AMERICAN ANTI-CORRUPTION ACT 3) GRASSROOTS AND PUBLIC FINANCING 4) NH REBELLION 6) FEC REGULATION 7) EXECUTIVE ORDERS 8) MONEY-BOMBS

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