Nation of skimmers rather than readers

From the Washington Post, we learn that we are re-shaping our brains to accommodate the Internet.

Humans, they warn, seem to be developing digital brains with new circuits for skimming through the torrent of information online. This alternative way of reading is competing with traditional deep reading circuitry developed over several millennia.

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Claim by Editor of Major German Newspaper: CIA planted pro-war stories

Here's an excerpt from this stunning but unsurprising admission: Becoming the first credentialed, well-known media insider to step forward and state publicly that he was secretly a "propagandist," an editor of a major German daily has said that he personally planted stories for the CIA. Saying he believes a medical condition gives him only a few years to live, and that he is filled with remorse, Dr. Udo Ulfkotte . . . said . . . he accepted news stories written and given to him by the CIA and published them under his own name.

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Navy Seal guide to succeeding.

Eric Barker has offered another excellent batch of self-improvement advice, this time on the importance of grit. Here is the conclusion to his link-rich article: Purpose and meaning. It’s easier to be persistent when what we’re doing is tied to something personally meaningful. Make it a game. It’s the best way to stay in a competitive mindset without stressing yourself out. Be confident — but realistic. See the challenges honestly but believe in your own ability to take them on. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Grit comes a lot easier when you’ve done the work to make sure you’re ready. Focus on improvement. Every SEAL mission ends with a debrief focusing on what went wrong so they can improve. Give help and get help. Support from others helps keep you going, and giving others support does the same. Celebrate small wins. You can’t wait to catch the big fish. Take joy where you can find it when good times are scarce. Find a way to laugh. Rangers, SEALs, and scientists agree: a chuckle can help you cope with stress and keep you going.

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