Lee Fang: One Year Ago

Lee Fang is an excellent reporter with a stellar track record.

Here is the video he posted one year ago that resulted in Fang's co-worker at The Intercept and New York Times politics reporter Astead Herndonand (and many others) calling him a racist. Fang was left twisting in the wind. Click the image to view the two-minute statement. Those reporters on the left who were not piling on to the accusations against Fang were completely silent. If you watch this video, you will see a thoughtful and nuanced statement. Lee Fang was called a racist for reporting this man's views along with many other varied viewpoints. Here's the problem: Every statement--every single one--must fit the narrative.

While Fang is a real reporter, these reactions (and non-reactions) of other journalists is the new version of journalism.

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Religion to the Left of Me, Religion to the Right . . .

New religions are springing up in America, both on the left and the right. Click these Tweets and weep. You'll learn some surprising things. For instance, "Our Constitution is based on the Bible, Period!"

BTW, this is also what Michael Flynn is up to these days:

And here is the religion to the left of me:

As you can hear, above, you will learn things like this from properly indoctrinated children (despite the teacher's claim that "the children guide the learning"): "White people make other people think that they are bad." No nuance in any of this, so just write it all down and believe it.

I suspect that a large part of the American rage machine (online and in-person) is the far right and far left antagonizing each other. We need to discover a new version of Australia and ship both fringes there so that the moderates of each party can demonstrate how to communicate with each other and strike meaningful adult-like compromises.

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A Retrospective on COVID-Safe Protests

I'm still stunned by the silence of left-leaning media outlets at this hypocrisy so boldly committed in broad daylight.  Even a young child has the ability to see that risk of disease is risk of disease. Your political viewpoint has no relevance to your risk of contracting COVID in a large outdoor group. Yet dozens of experts hypocritically stepped forward, knowing that the left-leaning news media had their back.

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Stanford University Reverses Anti-Free-Speech Decision and Acknowledges the Right to Express Satire and Parody

Good work here by Fire (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), which forced Standford University to reverse its decision withholding a law student's right to graduate because the student dared to write a email satirizing the Federalist Society, Sen. Josh Hawley, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, regarding the events of Jan. 6.

I had no part in this particular action, but I support the work of FIRE. In fact, I recently formed a working relationship with FIRE, a non-partisan free-speech non-profit. As a private practice attorney, I will be representing university faculty members who FIRE refers to me, people who are in need of legal support to address constitutional violations in the areas of free expression, academic freedom, and associational rights.

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