
I listened to an NPR essay on the way home from work today by a woman who was a 31-year-old virgin when she got married.  It started me thinking about the whole subject, because I used to react to such claims with impatience and perhaps a bit of disdain.  I…

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Death To The…

Mousaui is undergoing the ritual of being sentenced by a jury.  Do we kill him or warehouse him?  Yesterday the defense actually presented a 9-11 affiliate (family/friend of victim/survivor) to testify on behalf of Mousaui. Personally, his insanity defense--of which Mousaui himself is vehemently opposed to--is, to my mind, beside…

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The shake-up that wasn’t

The Whitehouse yesterday announced the "resignation" of press secretary Scott McClellan and the reassignment of political advisor Karl Rove, and the news today has been obligingly calling it a "shake-up."  This writer sees things differently.  First, whether or not McClellan left voluntarily (the reports are conflicting), what better way for the Whitehouse to…

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Why the silence when the president suggests preemptive nukes?

Where is the outcry by our congressional representatives?  I find their silence chilling and haunting.  Silence is not what I'm hearing from real people on the streets.  They didn't think Iran posed any imminent danger, not until Bush started provoking Iran with inflammatory rhetoric and talk of preemptive attacks. My question tonight…

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