The shake-up that wasn’t (part 2)

Rumor has it that one reason the Whitehouse hasn't had much staff turnover is because they've had trouble attracting replacements -- not surprising given the stunning incompetence and dishonesty of this Administration. Unfortunately, those they are trying to attract seem unlikely to reverse the situation:

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Framing the abortion debate (part 1): What is the missing premise?

A logical argument, known as a syllogism, looks like this:      PREMISE 1:  All dogs have wet noses.      PREMISE 2:  Max is a dog.      CONCLUSION:  Max has a wet nose. Easy, right?  Now, let's see what happens when we remove one of the premises:      PREMISE 1:  All…

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What to do about heat without light . . .

Here's a recent example of the effective use of sharp-edged rebuttal (see the comments) to puncture bloated and unthinking terror-mongering (see the post). The point of these comments is that two wrongs don't make a right.  The post-writer, a good example of tens of millions of like-minded others, is apparently oblivious. …

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