The Centerpice of Bush’s new national Energy Policy: I’ll try to persuade my contributors from gouging you guys too much.

Using the planning and dedication this country employed in Iraq and Katrina, Bush promised today that he will try to minimize the price gouging committed by some of his biggest contributors.  Many people are expressing relief that the president has finally realized that Americans are being victimized by big corporations.…

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Withdraw the troops now.

Arianna Huffington succinctly explained why.   Withdrawing our troops from Iraq does not mean abandoning Iraq. Withdrawing our troops from Iraq does mean eliminating the insurgency’s best recruitment tool. To win in Iraq, we need to leave Iraq. To win, we need to stop being the issue. To win, we need…

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The Bible: the greatest book rarely read carefully

Part I: What's really in the Bible? Although I have regularly picked up my King James Bible, I haven't had the stamina to plow all the way through.  Kudos to the authors of the "Skeptic's Annotated Bible."   We know they really made it to the end because they left proof…

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Religions about Jesus, but not of Jesus

Bill Moyers thoughtfully analyzed this distinction in   He describes the access our legislators give to special moneyed interests: The total spent per month by special interests wining, dining, and seducing federal officials is now nearly $200 million. Per month. Moyers writes that this huge legalized bribe is "a small investment on the return,"…

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The voices you are

Many people think that they are motivated to act morally by reference to a set of external rules.  Not me.  Although rules direct our attention to various problem-solving strategies, there are so many rules (and so many interpretations of rules) that people can easily "justify" almost any behavior by reference to…

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