Why the creationist argument that “irreducible complexity” disproves evolution is utter nonsense

Irreducible complexity refers to a system (e.g., a living organism) in which the various parts work together to produce a given function, such that the function will not occur if any of the parts is removed.  Creationists claim irreducible complexity disproves evolution. Evolution refers to the natural adaptation of a species…

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The Same Only Different?

I'm something of an amateur historian.  I find most rewarding research that shows how someone--an individual, a community, a movement--got to where they ended up.  It's the most instructive part of studying history, because you can begin to see how things relate, how one incident, taken in isolation, may make…

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Darwin, the roots of words, etc

I have had the opportunity to exchange email and links with a man named Josh, who I invited to visit this blog.   Josh’s initial comment was: “Thanks for the Invite! But I must say… you and I are in for many future debates!” I could also tell that Josh and I were different by looking at the homepage of his blog, where he writes: “I enjoy apologetics, studying the Bible, and reading various amounts of other important literature. My passion in life is to please Christ.”

Recently, Josh referred me to an article he wrote last year, an article entitled “The Scientific Truth” published on his blog: http://defendtruth.blogspot.com/.   Below is my reaction to his article. 


Thank you for bringing my attention to your article:  I’m truly glad we can have this conversation.  We certainly come from different perspectives.  Different perspectives, but not necessarily different backgrounds.  When I was young, I was told to fear God and to read the Bible. I was told that my questions were “just a phase” and that I would learn to simply love God and stop asking impertinent questions.  I was sent to Christian (Catholic) schools for 15 of my years of education.

I don’t pretend to know all the answers.  I am now an agnostic regarding many things.  I believe that the evidence only goes so far and we need to be brave enough to repeatedly say “I don’t know.”  I struggle to find explanations that make the most sense …

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Bush’s “Wag The Dog” presidency

Further to Sarah’s post about films that help make sense of George Bush’s presidency, another film that should be required viewing for anyone trying to make sense of Bush’s America is the movie, “Wag The Dog.”  As entertainment, it’s a disappointing movie; but, as political commentary, it utterly anticipates George Bush’s presidency.

The movie, released in early 1998 (note the proximity to the beginning of Bush’s first presidential campaign), is set in modern times, and is about an American president running for re-election.  A scandal occurs immediately before the election that threatens to cripple the President’s campaign, but before the scandal can undermine the President’s chances, his political advisors realize that the best way to win re-election is to divert public attention away from the scandal by creating an even bigger story:  a war.  So, they set out to manufacture a war.…

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Why drilling for oil in ANWR will increase, not reduce, America’s oil dependence

As the world consumes oil, the world's oil is depleted.  As the world's oil is depleted, the countries that completely run out of oil first will become totally dependent upon the countries that still have oil.  Thus, the goal of any country that wishes to avoid becoming totally dependent is…

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