War on terrorism: the easiest war in town

After reading the Cato report about terrorism, I suddenly realized why Republicans have been so gung-ho to declare "war" against terrorism: because it's the easiest war in town. The odds that any American will die from a terrorist attack are microscopic, so what better thing to declare "war" against than…

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What’s more threatening, terrorism or environmental issues?

Is terrorism really the biggest threat facing the United States? TomPaine.com recently commented on a report of the libertarian Cato Institute arguing that terrorism is really just not that big of a threat to the average person. For instance, about as many Americans have been killed by terrorists as have been…

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A word about some new navigation features here at Dangerous Intersection

Our designer, nicksmithdesign.com, has added a few new features.   On each post contained on our homepage, you can see the number of "views."  This feature refers only to the number of times that someone has clicked on the permalink of that specific post.  It thus vastly underestimates the number of views for…

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There ARE some atheists in those foxholes

According to freethinkers cited in this article from MSNBC, the old adage is a denial of our contributions," says Master Sgt. Kathleen Johnson, who founded the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers and who will be deployed to Iraq this fall. "A lot of people manage to serve without having to…

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The Daily Show reports on the ill effects of gay marriage

This report is well worth watching, if you'd like to consider all of the "damage" done by allowing gay marriages.  The Daily Show does a good job working over a prominent opponent of gay marriage.  I found this video on Dispatches from the Culture Wars.

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