Oddly, the “J” in ACLJ is not for Jesus

Although it looks something like the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) is a dba for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc. These two similar acronyms are often on opposite sides of issues, although both claim to be about supporting free speech. One of…

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Can current technology produce a 100 mpg car?

Absolutely, according to this article in Popular Mechanics.  Would Americans buy such a car, if available?  That’s an entirely separate question, according to the article. BTW, Smart already sells a 60 mpg vehicle. That's the desiel version, though.  The gas version gets you only 40 mph.  Here are stats on…

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Bill Clinton indicts FOX—on FOX

Check out this extraordinary transcript posted at Think Progress.  Chris Wallace tried to set up Bill Clinton, but gets more than he knows how to deal with.  Clinton puts on a clinic: how to deal with the underhanded “swift boat” style tactics of FOX. Here’s a sampling.  FOX had promised…

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Hey, Bush: Here’s a real threat of weapons of mass destruction!

According to the website of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 “left the Russian Federation with the bulk of the massive Soviet weapons of mass destruction complex.” The U.S. is about to start consciously disregarding this immense threat, however.  The  September 15, 2006…

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Publishers decide that there IS a market for books that naturalize religion

At the home page of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason, Dawkins explains that he wanted to write his most recent book, The God Delusion six years ago but his literary agent was horrified. He was told “don’t even think about it.”  But that was then and now is…

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