For Iraq veterans: our gratitude is a poor substitute for taking the time to understand

Charles Anderson served in Iraq, but he doesn't want to be thanked. I did nothing in Iraq I consider honorable. I was a scared kid riding into a battle I didn't understand. Our convoys streamed past thousands of starving children and people needing medical attention. Our tanks fired into villages…

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Freethinker quotes of the day

I noticed this quote at Freedom from Religion Foundation: “The God of the Christians is a father who is a great deal more concerned about his apples than he is about his children.” -- Diderot, French writer, philosopher (1713-1784), Addition aux Pensees philosophiques, c. 1762 FFRF is a site that…

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Bush refuses to answer whether he held any meeting regarding Bin Laden for 9 months after Clinton left office

Here’s the video. Lots of heat and no light.  That seems to be Bush's strategy these days.  He gets himself all bent out of shape over a question that was not asked. I’ll translate the gibberish you hear out of Bush’s mouth: “Did I hold any such meetings? No.” What…

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Science by scientists, a good cause

Here's a new website worth taking a peek:, Scientists and Engineers for America. A group who are trying to activize (um activate?) because of what has been happening to science in the public eye and the administration. They are dedicated to removing theology from science teaching, and ideology from…

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Focus of religious organization: Ban all birth control

All forms of birth control are immoral, according to many Christian conservatives.  We’ve previously written about this absurd position here and here. The Chicago Tribune recently reported on a formal conservative effort to prohibit all forms of birth control: Emboldened by the anti-abortion movement's success in restricting access to abortion, an increasingly vocal…

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