Disney vs. History

The Walt Disney Studios, and its divisions and subsidiaries, have always upheld a very loose relationship between well-established historical fact, and their productions. One case in point would be The Prince of Egypt, a delightful tale of Moses growing up. It clearly shows Moses playing around the slaves building the…

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More on sport as religion.

Back in early August, Jason wrote a post that declared sports the United States' national religion. At the time, I took Jason's observation as (slightly embittered) hyperbole about our cultural landscape's infatuation with passtimes that achieve absolutely nothing productive. A bit of an excessive rant, thought I, a mere illustration…

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Q: Give a good example of a reaction formation. A: Republican Congressman Mark Foley

Here's the definition of "reaction formation" from Wikipedia: In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation is a defense mechanism in which anxiety-producing or unacceptable emotions are replaced by their direct opposites. This mechanism is often characteristic of obsessional neuroses. Here's the example given on Wikipedia: A man who is overly aroused by…

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The “war on terror” is a bad metaphor

According to this post by George Soros on Huffpo, four factors ensure that the alleged “war on terror” cannot be won. Calling the problem a “war” Invites killing innocent victims; It prevents the U.S. from differentiating among organizations that should be treated differently.  It overemphasizes the need for military action…

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The night of headless horrors

It was after dark.  I was walking to my hotel in a big intimidating city, Chicago.  Then I turned a corner and I saw them.  I was so horrified I almost retched.   I kept my composure, though, and called the police.

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While I waited, I forced myself to glance again.  All of those poor people had been decapitated.  Rigor mortis had set in, keeping them in their lifelike positions. Their skin was blanched.   But as I stood there, trembling, several young adults strolled by and they didn’t even look concerned. In fact, they were laughing . . . partying! Joking!  Such a grotesque insensitivity to the plight of others! Such an unseemly juxtaposition! But what was that over to the right?  I spun around and I saw even more victims.

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I shook as I took these photos, constantly looking over my shoulder in case the fiends who committed all of these murders might return to decapitate me.…

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