If Americans won’t investigate the Bush administration, Germany will

If the American Congress has no interest in investigating the Bush administration's abuses of power, we can always rely on the Germans to lend a hand. As reported on NPR this morning, and also in Time and elsewhere on the internet, Germany's chief prosecutor is seeking a criminal investigation and…

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When God slaughters innocent babies, He is “good.”

In a post entitled “A Seriously Warped Moral Compass,” Ebonmuse at Daylight Atheism relates a discussion he had with an evangelical fellow.  The topic?  Hosea, chapter 13, a Bible passage in which God promises that for the crime of disbelief, the city of Samaria’s “infants shall be dashed in pieces,…

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Understanding the world through a column of statistics

Bill Moyers wrote that "it has been said that the mark of a truly educated person is to be deeply moved by statistics." To the extent that this is true, go hither and understand the world through the statistics presented by "Worldometers."  Lots of thought-provoking statistics kept up to the…

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