The alleged problem with “Me too!” comments

One of our earlier posts concerned the efforts of evangelicals to relegate early hominid fossils to the back room of Kenya’s National Museum.   That post recently drew this comment from James Davenock:

It seems that many here could simply replace the name Sam Harris, with Jesus, Newton or Sullivan in their writings. Many keep quoting others in an attempt to get their point across rather than just trying to get their point across. You could say “Dave, I admire Jesus’ viewpoints” or “Dave, I admire Sam Harris’ viewpoints” or “Dave, I admire Newton’s viewpoints”. . .

 The difference between Science and Religion is Science has a process by which to prove its ideas while Religion does not and requires you to simply accept or excommunicate. I have found the same smugness in both religious and science types and that is a bit disquieting.

The wise man first says “I do not know”

I started responding to James Davenock’s comment at the location of that earlier post, but it grew long enough to justify posting at this separate location.

Davenock raises a good point.  I suspect that there are many non-believers out there (all of us, some of the time), who “hero-worship” people like Richard Dawkins just like many theists hero-worship James Dobson or Jesus. You can quickly spot these folks by their writings, which essentially amount to “Way to go, Charles [Darwin]!”  Or “Way to go, Jesus!”  This lack of thoughtful content is no more informative than the rote prayers …

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Bush admits he doesn’t know what’s going on in Iraq

Today ABC's Martha Raddatz asked Bush whether Iraq was embroiled in a civil war. Bush:  "It's hard for me living in this beautiful White House to give you an assessment, a first hand assessment . . ." Bush continued on: I haven't been there. You have, I haven't. But I…

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Bushchromium is not a new element.

Recent reports of the discovery of a new element which has been called “Bushcromium” have been discredited by the recent discovery of a nearly identical form of the element which is called “Poppium” It appears that the characteristics of Bushcromium and Poppium are nearly identical, with both sharing some of…

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Stop Writing?

Below is a link to a blog called 101 Reasons to Stop Writing.  It is a blog about writing and actually does have a list of reasons to stop, which, when one considers the amount of verbiage being generated by the human race, might seem like an impossible challenge.  Those…

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