A trip to the neighborhood psychic store
Last Saturday, I was running some errands with my daughters when we passed by a store called “Mystic Valley.” I mentioned to my daughters (they are six and eight) that some people believe that they can tell the future and read other peoples minds. My daughters were incredulous. They thought I was being silly, so they made me “pinky swear” that I was telling the truth. I pinky swore before making a U-turn to head back to the neighborhood psychic store.
“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go into the store and check out the people who believe that other people can tell the future and read their minds.” My daughters were still suspicious that I was making this up, but into the store we went.
The first thing you notice is the smell of incense. We passed by the rack of psychic magazines, then the shelves of crystals, the piles of drums, and some ethnic carvings before noticing that there were about seven small tables scattered throughout the store, each of them with two people seated facing each other. Many of the experts were holding the customers’ hands. If you listened closely, you could hear the psychics counseling the customers.
“Now do you believe me?” I whispered to my daughters. They didn’t know what to think.
I walked up to the checkout counter and asked the pleasant soft-spoken man what was going on at the tables. He indicated that some of the people were psychics, others were doing tarot card …