Conservatives: Stop having sex for the pleasure of it!

The Washington Post reports on a "controversial" meaure that would: increase funding for family planning clinics, expand Medicaid and private health insurance coverage of contraceptives, require hospitals to make emergency contraception available to rape victims, and allocate money for comprehensive sex education programs that teach youths about birth control as…

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Free gasoline for everyone, for the next 2.5 years

We have already discussed how much one trillion dollars would buy.  Well, the Boston Globe did its own story about this subject, using the more conservative figure of $456 billion (the estimated cost by September).  My favorite is where it says $456 billion could have fed and educated the world's…

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The Origin of Life Just Got Easier

In the June '07 issue of Scientific American, the article "A Simpler Origin for Life" discusses a new approach for figuring out how life could have spontaneously arisen. The views of evolutionary biologists have evolved over the last few decades from assuming that the extremely unlikely spontaneous formation of simple…

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