Why the Ten Commandments are a cop-out

Cop-out:  a feebly transparent excuse or explanation for refusing to face up to something.  We constantly hear that the Ten Commandments are the highest achievement of moral law.  We even hear this claim from public officials who can't even name the Commandments.  They want to hang the Commandments everywhere, as though…

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Why the “War on Drugs” is a failure

According to this article at Alternet ("The War on Pot: America's $42 Billion Annual Boondoggle") we should "regulate marijuana just as we do beer, wine, and liquor."  Why?  Consider the human toll: The new FBI stats show an all-time record 829,627 marijuana arrests in 2006, 43,000 more than in 2005. That's like…

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Update on Clive Wearing

The New Yorker recently published an article by Oliver Sacks, the famous neurologist and author, with an update on an equally famous patient: Clive Wearing, a British musician who suffered an attack of viral encephalitis in 1985. Although Wearing recovered, the infection destroyed the areas of his brain associated with…

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On the U.S. Military Industrial Complex

Here are some terrific video clips of President Eisenhower and, more recently, of former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel.  As Gravel plainly states, no president since Eisenhower has dared to talk about the elephant in the room, the military industrial complex.  Our leaders rarely speak of it because it has so…

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