Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself

But what’s puzzlin’ you is the nature of my game... That’s about the only song I can stand to listen to the Rolling Stones do.  Musically, thematically, it all comes together for them.  It’s perfect.  Beyond that, while I certaiinly like a lot of their songs, I cannot abide listening…

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Corporations make illegal drugs legal

Well, not exactly, but the big picture is a disturbing one from the perspective of the millions of people criminally prosecuted every year for seeking to self-medicate using street drugs .  If all of those mind altering street drugs are really "bad," then they should stay illegal. But maybe it's not so…

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Another retired U.S. General mouths off . . .

. . . and says the obvious, I should add.  Last week, it was retired General Sanchez, who blasted the Bush Administration, calling it "incompetent" in the way it has run the Iraq occupation. This week, it's Retired General John Abizaid, former CENTCOM Commander, who spoke about Iraq: During a…

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The retreat of racism in the United States

In his new book, The Conscience of a Liberal, Paul Krugman cites some statling numbers regarding American attitudes toward miscegenation.  The good news is that we are changing for the better, at least viewed in the long term: Beyond the blunt, crude fact that America is getting less white, there's…

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