How to live consciously, buy wisely and make a difference

Yes, you could continue on your merry way, spending money on the wrong types of things for all the wrong reasons.  We've all done this.  But we don't have to keep doing things this way.  To give you an assist, you can get some ideas and inspiration from New American Dream. It…

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Wanna go to church? Tired of shopping? Go to “The Church of Stop Shopping.”

"The Church of Stop Shopping," eh? What is this church all about? I'm not sure yet. This "Church" got my renewed attention, thanks to a friend who sent me a link today. Among it's other activities, the Church is promoting a new movie ("The movie santa doesn't want you to see"). The title of the new movie? "What Would Jesus Buy?"

On Friday, November 16th, the Shopocalypse ends. It is on that date that Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping set out across America in two bio-diesel buses, confronting with their singing and preaching the shopping frenzy of America. Travel with our harmonizing activists, as they invade the Mall of America, cast spells on the front-door of Wal Mart headquarters in Bentonville, wind up a whirlwind in a tent revival in Texas and hurls them all the way to Disneyland and the final Day of Judgment: Christmas.
Here's a bit of information about the church itself:
The first job of a church is to save souls. Pulling out of the advertising/debt/waste cycle of Consumerism is our idea of deliverance. Our soul-saving mission work is dramatic rituals and plays inside retail environments. As you will see from the interventions that I sketch out below, in instruction manual form – our missionaries are sometimes completely invisible to management’s eye. And then sometimes the chaos and broad strokes — Inappropriate Behavior! Amen! – is the whole point and carries our message best.

Continue ReadingWanna go to church? Tired of shopping? Go to “The Church of Stop Shopping.”

What fuels media coverage of political campaigns

Marty Kaplan has described how the media covers political campaigns.  The media: work for a big business, whose oxygen is attention. They live or die on grabbing and holding audiences. To stay in business, they need combat, conflict, heat, meat, flip-flops, gotchas, losers, boozers, hairpin turns, heroes with feet of clay, Rockys,…

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