The night the plagiarism charge died

The "plagiarism" charge died last night. Actually, it was already dead. But maybe, just maybe, Hillary Clinton finally realizes it. During her debate with Barack Obama, when she pulled out her well-rehearsed plagiarism charge she was greeted with a bit of applause, then a shower of boos by the audience.…

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How to paint the Mona Lisa with MS Paint

Just one word - fabulous. [youtube][/youtube] The first time I watched the video I thought, "What can you expect from a picture drawn with MS Paint?" But watch how it unfolds. Other works of his that I also like: here or my personal choice for president. Or check out the…

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Who are the Congressional elite?

According to this article in Harpers, the Congressional elite include most of the members of Congress.   Consider this, for example: Since 2005, at just ten of D.C.'s priciest restaurants, House membvers have spent more than $5.4 million of political funds. The title to the article is "Beltway bacchanal: Congress lives…

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Days “chopped into pieces”.

I want to share with everyone a passage from the opening of the movie The Gods Must be Crazy. This silly 1980s movie provides a very oversimplified, idealized image of African Bushmen, but at the same time gets its label of modern westernized man spot-on. This excerpt from the film's…

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