“The surge is working.” Well, yes and no.

Bush supporters, including some Republican presidential candidates, have been boasting lately that Bush's troop surge in Iraq last year is "working."  However, for several reasons, this claim is highly dubious.  First, there never were any clear goals stated for the surge, nor was any timetable ever given, so there actually is no…

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A skeptic visits a chiropractor for acupuncture treatment

I have long been suspicious of chiropractors.  Why?  One reason is that the practice has a wobbly foundation.  In 1895, D.D.  Palmer declared that “95% of all diseases are caused by displaced vertebrate, the remainder by luck stations of other joints.”  His conclusion is that most diseases could be cured by adjusting vertebrae that interfere with nerve vibrations flowing from the brain through the vertebrae.  Recent studies have shown that while spinal manipulation can be helpful to treating some back pain, “there appears to be little evidence to support the value of spinal manipulation for non-musculoskeletal conditions.”  (Shekelle, P.G. “What role for chiropractic and healthcare?” New England Journal of Medicine 339:1074-1075.) 

Another reason for my skepticism regarding chiropractors is that I’ve heard too many tales of highly suspicious sounding chiropractors.  I’ve heard, for instance, about the “need” to be treated two to three times per week for years on end for nebulous sounding conditions.

I’ve never before been to a chiropractor. Five weeks ago I would’ve assure you that I would not likely ever go to a chiropractor.  That was before my pain got bad, however.  For the past five weeks, I’ve been suffering from a pain on the left side of my upper back.  It comes and goes during the day, ranging from a dull ache to a severe stabbing pain that makes it hard for me to concentrate anything else.  The pain sometimes borders on disabling.  Sometimes, lying down is the only thing that settles down the intense …

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A plan to convert the people who don’t like homosexuals because gay sex is “unnatural”

I don’t often think about the sexual lives of gay people. I just don’t.  Whatever any two consenting adults do to pleasure themselves in private is none of my business.

Many political and religious conservatives differ from me in this regard.  Many conservatives are obsessed with thoughts that adult gay people are having consensual gay sex. Those conservatives pace their hallways at home and at the office fretting that gays are sexually satisfying each other in private. For proof, Google “God homosexual” and you’ll find more than one-half million web sites, almost all of them written by conservatives who argue that homosexuality is “unnatural” and that the Bible prohibits it.   

At this site, we’ve sometimes discussed this conservative obsession with gay sex.  What does Jesus say about homosexuality?  Nothing. With regard to the Old Testament, we’ve warned of the need to beware of the ubiquitous cherry picking of Bible literalists. See here and here and see Mark Tiedemann’s commentary on the conservative spin regarding homosexuality.

Here is some additional evidence to show how amazingly obsessed conservatives are regarding homosexuality.  This is truly amazing.  Check out Conservapedia, a Wiki geared to conservatives [thanks to The Carpet Bagger Report for this tip]  As indicated on the “Statistics” page of Conservapedia, the site contains almost 50,000 content pages covering a wide array of topics (all of them written from a notably conservative perspective). Now take a look at the following list of the top-rated pages in Conservapedia.  Most of them, however, concern …

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