Creationists take young children on a tour of Denver’s Museum of Nature and Science

The place is the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The outcome is predictable, but this video is nonetheless worth watching to appreciate the extent to which the creationists intentionally deceive themselves. Along the way, the creationist teachers work hard to avoid considering evidence that disproves their bizarre religious beliefs.…

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Ayn Rand’s heartless version of objectivism

At Daylight Atheism, Ebonmuse puts Rand's theory of objectivism under a bright analytical light and finds it wanting: Since Objectivists reject all notions of a social safety net, it's natural to ask what would happen to the poor and needy in an Objectivist society. This is Ayn Rand's answer: "If…

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Day of the Living Dead

Today is Easter. Colorful eggs (pagan tradition), bunnies and chicks (pagan symbols), and consuming dangerous levels of foamy sweetener in scary yellow bites (Peeps™). Let's not forget the "meaning behind it": The anniversary of yet another demi-god risen from the dead. I enjoy this take on that subject. Anyway, why…

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