How about Tylenol for your child’s cold or fever? How about Tylenol ADVERTISING to rev up a parent’s anxiety?

Check out this current website from Tylenol. You’ll see that McNeil (maker of Tylenol) has heroically and voluntarily removed all of these medicines from the market:

Concentrated TYLENOL® Infants' Drops Plus Cold Concentrated TYLENOL® Infants' Drops Plus Cold & Cough PediaCare® Infant Dropper Decongestant PediaCare® Infant Dropper Long-Acting Cough PediaCare® Infant Drops Decongestant (containing pseudoephedrine) PediaCare® Infant Dropper Decongestant & Cough PediaCare® Infant Drops Decongestant & Cough (containing pseudoephedrine)
Why remove all these children's medicines? According to Tylenol,

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An advantage to having no bones and the ability to change colors.

In addition to being a very smart animal, the octopus has no bones.  Hence, it can pull off this incredible manuver of sqeezing through a one-inch hole. If you liked the first video, you'll also enjoy this much more elaborate octopus video from National Geogaphic.

Continue ReadingAn advantage to having no bones and the ability to change colors.

Visiting Vienna

I was visiting a friend of mine in Vienna for the Easter holidays. Here are two things I did which I liked a lot – visiting the Karlskirche (St. Charles’s Church) and the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of Art History). If you ever go to Vienna I recommend that you explore them, too (the Arcimboldo exhibition in the museum lasts until 1 June 2008).


The Karlskirche is supposed to be the most beautiful baroque church in Vienna, but that is not the reason why I liked it so much and feel the need to tell you about it. No, the reason why it excites me is the panorama lift that takes you to vertiginous heights to give you a really great view of the fresco paintings on the ceiling (also over the city, but with all the security wire netting occluding and limiting the view it was not really worth it). Usually, a normal visitor will never have the opportunity to see these paintings at such a close distance, but here the scaffolds that had been used for previous restoration works had been preserved to take visitors upstairs (not sure how long they will stay though, seems like they have been around for a while though).



The lift takes you to a platform, from there you have to take stairs (they look the same as the stairs in the first picture ) to reach the top. Let me just tell you, if you’re not a fan …

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Institutions of Saint Louis – a little photo safari.

Because I have a tiny new camera (a Canon SD1100IS), I have lots of excuses for taking photos of familiar things.   It’s amazing how taking photos forces me to see.   It makes me appreciate many of those sights that I otherwise take for granted.  With this new little camera, then, I had an excuse to go see.  

BTW-my new camera, a Canon SD1100IS is a small moderately-priced consumer-level camera that is incredibly packed with features.  It has so many features that I would bet that I’ll never use half of them.  It’s an 8-megapixel, 3x optical zoom camera that measures only 3 1/2″ x 2″, small enough to take everywhere.  Some of its features (including image stabilization) allow it to handle existing light photos fairly well (for those of you who haven’t yet sworn off cheap flash units, you might want to consider turning off your flash and noticing the difference).   The problem with turning off the flash indoors is that many digital cameras do not offer a fast enough ISO to allow for a sharp image.

I admit that I processed these photos a bit, but only a bit.  The only processing I used were a few of the features offered by Picasa, a well-designed (and free) photo organizing program from Google.


Here’s a good way to start a weekend day in St. Louis.  It’s called “City Diner” (It was formerly “South City Diner”).  Located within walking distance of my home, this is where you must …

Continue ReadingInstitutions of Saint Louis – a little photo safari.