Cowardly hypocrisy of "Darwin fish" displays

My friend Russ sent me this link to an article in our local paper entitled, "Cowardly hypocrisy of Darwin fish displays". The title does a good job of strongly framing a weak argument. After I read it, I decided to post my response here: The article begins by framing anything…

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Republican politics and America’s stunted media

Glenn Greenwald has just written a new book, Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Myths of Republican Politics.  He has released a long excerpt on Huffpo.  Here is a sampling.  Great American Hypocrites examines the deceitful, personality-based election tactics the Right uses to build absurd cults of personality around their leaders…

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The recipe for religion gone bad

In "The Death of Conscience (Part One)," (Free Inquiry, April/May 2008 --not available online) Shadia B. Drury makes it clear that not all religion is bad.  She recognizes the religious backdrop to the successful efforts to repeal slavery, to promote civil rights and to create the Red Cross. "As these…

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Darwin’s impressive legacy in a nutshell

In 2009, many of us will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of his publication of On the Origin of Species. In these modern times, where Darwin is vilified by millions of people who cherry-pick their apocryphal holy books, it is refreshing and humbling to…

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How difficult would it be to give Africans hope against malaria?

Not very difficult, according to Jeffrey Sachs.  Hard as it is for us to imagine, Africa's households simply can't afford even $10 for a net, or a dollar for medicines when a child falls sick. Nor can African governments carry these costs on meager budgets or take extra vital steps…

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