
 Are you Bitter Off Than You Were Four Years Ago? by John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri   Corn Ethanol and Pig-Cars Simanca Osmani, Cagle Cartoons, Brazil   by Pavel Constantin, Romania [Note from Erich:  DI has a purchased a license from Cagle Cartoons to publish these cartoons.  We are…

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What to tell people who insist that cheap and plentiful coal will power our future

Tell them what Architecture 2030 says about coal:

Because coal is the only fossil fuel plentiful and supposedly cheap enough to push the planet to 450 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.  Because reaching 450 ppm (or possibly less) triggers potentially irreversible glacial melt and sea level rise.

Because 53% of Americans live in and around coastal cities and towns and, beginning with just one meter of sea level rise, many of these cities and towns will be inundated.

Scientists are forewarning that at approx. 450 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere, we will trigger potentially irreversible glacial melt and sea level rise “out of humanity’s control.” We are currently at 385 ppm, and are increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 at approx. 2 ppm annually.  At this growth rate, we will reach 450 ppm in 2035 . . .

In the US, there are over 600 existing coal plants and 151 new coal plants in various stages of development.


Tell them that there is a smarter and better way.   And a cleaner way.  Tell them that mining coal is not only ugly, it’s dangerous for miners and everyone else.

Tell them to take a close look into a train car full of coal (as I did yesterday) and to ask themselves if coal looks like the fuel of the future. 


I thought about coal as I noticed a train loaded with coal go by (I took these photos).  I thought about how little most people know …

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If I could interview the Pope…

...this would be one of my questions: if, as you claim, God expects unmarried people to practice sexual abstinence, and expects teenagers to benefit from abstinence-only sex "education," then why can't your own ordained Catholic priests manage to practice it? Isn't your demand for abstinence a bit like declaring that…

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What you can do with a philosophy degree.

Philosophy majors are not getting rich, but they're able to buy enough food to allow them to sit around and ponder things.   Truth be told, philosophy majors are at the bottom of the list in starting salaries.  As someone who majored in philosophy, I found these statistics to be of interest.   In…

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