Television, reality and unreality cartoons

Television Leads Us. Angel Boligan, Cagle Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City Who's Bitter? Wolverton, Cagle Cartoons TV or not TV Angel Boligan, Cagle Cartoons, El Universal, Mexico City Interior televisivo Alen Lauzan Falcon, Olle Johansson, Sweden TV Osmani Simanca, A Tarde, Brazil

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Peru claims Yale is hoarding Machu Picchu artifacts

In a Reuters article, Peru is claiming that Yale University researchers took more than 40,000 artifacts from the Incan citadel of Machu Picchu in the early 1900s, or 10 times the original estimate, the state news agency reported on Sunday. That's quite a load of artifacts, far more than the…

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Amy Goodman interviews Glenn Greenwald on the corruption of the American media

Glenn Greenwald, a former constitutional law attorney, is now a contributing writer at He is the author of a number of books. His most recent book is titled Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics. Greenwald, a severe critic of the American media, discussed the state…

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Ben Stein Movie Opens Today

The new Ben Stein movie, "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" opens today. It is only showing in Wehrenberg Theaters farther out from the city. ( link). Before today, it has only been seen by fundamentalist congregations, hand-picked audiences, and selected legislatures. If you've read my earlier post and long comment thread…

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