The fraud and waste in Iraq is worse than you ever thought

Here's the bottom line, as reported on Yahoo: The Pentagon cannot account for nearly 15 billion dollars in payments for goods and services in Iraq, according to an internal audit which members of Congress blasted Friday as a "shocking" accountability failure. Why didn't a government accountant catch the problem?  Good…

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Al Jazeera takes a look at Kentucky voter attitudes regarding race

This is a fascinating video, which I learned of at Daily Kos. Now that we've dragged some of those wacko preachers out into the limelight, maybe it's time to focus those cameras on the bigots.  Sunshine is great disinfectant. [youtube][/youtube]

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The accomplishments of President George W. Bush

According to the AP, George W. Bush recently did a good and honorable thing: President Bush is backing legislation to prevent people from losing their jobs or health insurance based on genetic testing. Bush on Wednesday signed into law an anti-discrimination measure that drew enormous support in Congress. It forbids…

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The dark side of Mother Teresa

The next time someone gets all misty-eyed when talking about the saintliness of Mother Teresa, have them read this post by Ebonmuse at Daylight Atheism. Here's an excerpt: Teresa was a friend to vicious dictators, criminals and con men. As Christopher Hitchens documents in his book The Missionary Position, Teresa…

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