Ordinary disgust taints moral judgments

I've written before about the work of Jonathan Haidt (pronounced “height”). He is a psychologist who has taken an experimental approach to investigating morality. I was highly impressed by Haidt's analysis of conservative versus liberal versus of morality, for instance. In his previous work, Haidt determined that disgust played a…

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It’s time to abolish “Darwinism”

Writing on a NYT blog, Olivia Judson argues that we should abolish "Darwinism." Here's what she means: I’d like to abolish the insidious terms Darwinism, Darwinist and Darwinian. They suggest a false narrowness to the field of modern evolutionary biology, as though it was the brainchild of a single person…

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John McCain shows great ignorance regarding birth control

This video of John McCain is truly incredible. The questioner asked whether insurers, who cover Viagra, should also cover birth control pills. The simple answer should have been that insurance companies should, indeed, cover birth control pills. Any organization that covers Viagra and Prozac (and vasectomies, much less surgery for…

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