Should the Democratic Convention Exclude the Irreligious?

I was reading Friendly Atheist this morning, and found out that the DNC is preparing to start their convention (coronation ceremony?) with an interfaith religious service. (Link to the post) They invited representatives of several religions to speak, but explicitly denied access to any atheists, agnostics, pagans, spiritualists, or humanists.…

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If you’ve got nothing to hide . . .

I found this on, which contained the link to   How many times have you heard someone say, "If you've got nothing to hide, then why do you care whether the government is spying.  Bruce Schneier at Wired assembled these well-considered responses: "If you aren't doing anything wrong, what…

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Atheism Doesn’t Preclude Woo

As with many rationalists, I've always assumed that Atheism and Rationalism were intertwined. But recently I conversed with an ardent atheist who believes in reincarnation. Suddenly I realized that Atheism is not commutative: Rationalism generally leads to atheism, but not vice-versa. One can deeply believe that there is no sky-daddy,…

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Michael Moore’s dream country

Michael Moore didn't mention this country in Sicko, but it offers health benefits that exceed those of most other countries, even France. It is a "model of sustainable ecology." And check out the prison. This country has the world's lowest murder rate, yet the longest prison sentence available is 21…

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