Large Hadron Collider To End the World

There are plenty of innumerate groups who think that the LHC will destroy the world, as they have with each generation of nuclear test device before. Loud groups with mailing lists and placards. The Large Hadron Collider (in case you were unaware) is the Swiss upgrade to the unfinished Superconducting…

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That connection between disgust and morality – John McCain clearly crosses the line

I've written previously about that penchant of many conservatives to base their moral sense on visceral disgust.  As psychologist Jonathan Haidt has demonstrated, this connection is much more readily made by conservatives than by progressives (also, see here). It is in that context that I must confess that I felt…

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Get Out of Hell, Free!

Tired of all the fundamentalists consigning kind and reasonable people to hell on their own authority? You can now respond with these handy "Get Out Of Hell Free" cards. If they can designate people as hell-bound, then you are just as empowered to hand these out and save people. They…

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Phyllis Schlafly For President

Since Palin's from Alaska, I thought it appropriate to post this link from an Anchorage newspaper. This ought to get plenty of circulation in the next couple of months. Even if, as the article indicates, Palin's questions regarding the censorship of library materials was "rhetorical" it nevertheless is informative that…

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Representative Keith Ellison: fighting to get real information to the People

Representative Keith Ellison is one of my heroes.   Before a big crowd in Minneapolis in June, 2008, Ellison delivered a passionate speech on the importance of having a media that truly informs the People.   I agree whole-heartedly with his statement that the People will do the right things, but only…

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