Abstinence only versus comprehensive sex education

I listened to the Diane Rehm show this morning (hosted today by Frank Sesno, who moved the show along briskly and laudably forcing the guests to define their terms).   The above link is to a page where you can listen to the show.  Three organizations were represented in the studio,…

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Making numerical sense of the “bailout”

I’m sitting here, stunned by the amount of money that is about to be casually taken out of the U.S. Treasury to “save” the economy.  I’m highly suspicious.  I’m not sure this taxpayer revenue is needed or that it is any more than a band-aid.  Surely, Wall Street (or other…

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Why I am not an atheist …

But, before we get to that, a brief introduction: My name is Hank & I run a blog called Ethics Gradient (which, it should be noted, may - does - contain some coarse language. In my mind, it's all perfectly justified but I realise not everyone digs the sailor-talk). I also go by "Mandrellian" on various…

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Making an Atheist Read the Bible, for Cash

Here's an interesting recent event: Atheists collecting for charity by publicly reading from holy texts. College students at Penn State came up with the idea, and in 9 hours they raised over $500 to give to Doctors without Borders. They set up a table with copies of a wide assortment…

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Sam Harris writes about Sarah Palin

In an article published by Newsweek, Sam Harris has expressed his concerns about Sarah Palin.  As we've come to expect from Harris, it's a carefully-articulated piece of writing.  It was also a bit of a surprise to me, because Harris appears much more concerned about Palin's lack of competence than…

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