I saw the greatest show on earth today: the Ringling Brothers Circus

I went to the greatest show on earth today.  No, really.  I attended the Ringling Brothers/Barnum & Baily circus with my wife and two daughters, aged 8 and 10.   It was intense and spectacular.  We all loved it. If you like danger, you'll get your fill.  If you like animal…

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The Bible and homosexuality: a vew from West Wing

Here's a not-so-subtle reference to "Dr. Laura" by West Wing.  I'm posting as my personal protest to the passing of Prop 8 in California. I suspect that all of those California Bible-thumpers who successfully voted in favor of bigotry are resting content tonight.   And no, you don't have to be…

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We just elected not-Bush. Exhibit A: Obama’s policies regarding the Internet

Barack Obama is going to be a big change from George W. Bush, as you can see by reviewing his transition site: Change.gov.   It's gratifying to see the many enlightened changes that Barack Obama will be bringing to the way the government views and uses the Internet.   For example, he…

Continue ReadingWe just elected not-Bush. Exhibit A: Obama’s policies regarding the Internet