Catholic McCain Voters Are Going To Hell!

There’s been a lot of vituperation going on about whether anyone who is Roman Catholic who voted for Barack Obama is going to hell. The answer is “NO!” but, Catholic McCain voters ARE going to hell!

How do I know this? Take a look at the facts:

The Catholic Church has five “non-negotiable issues” regarding its teachings on the sanctity of life. It is a mortal sin to support abortion (McCain does in cases of rape and incest), embryonic stem cell research (McCain does [see second debate!], and has twice voted for expansion of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research), to define marriage as anything other than between a man and a woman (McCain voted against a proposed US Constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between am man and a woman). The other two are cloning and euthanasia. I don’t know what McCain says about euthanasia but, the stem cell research may use cloning so he’s wrong on that, too!

So, McCain is wrong on 4 out of 5 “non-negotiable issues” regarding the sanctity of life as pronounced by the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. But, that’s not all!

The Catholic Church has condemned torture saying torture “violates the Fifth Commandment” and is “intrinsically evil.” John McCain voted to allow the CIA to use torture on terror suspects, making torture a policy of the US for the first time in history!

McCain is also on the wrong side of the Catholic Church on the Iraq War, the death …

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St. Louis "Fun Bike Ride" on Dec 14?

This local news article has me pondering. They are almost halfway through revamping the main interstate through town. They closed it for 2 years. While it is closed and accessible, they are not putting a light rail route along the busiest corridor in the area. That's my main overall peeve.…

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Turn off your TV to be happy

Sociologists at the University of Maryland have concluded that “unhappy people watch more TV, while people who describe themselves as very happy spend more time reading and socializing.” The study appears in the December issue of the journal Social Indicators Research. The study was based on 30-years worth of national…

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Al Franken May Yet be a Senator

Did you think that the election was over? Nope. In the Minnesota Nov 4 Senate election, Al Franken (D) lost by 206 votes (out of almost 3 million). This close of a margin requires a hand recount. About 34,000 votes were rejected by machines (uncounted), primarily in Democrat-heavy districts. With this…

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