How to download a youtube video and play that flv file.

How can you download a youtube video and then play that flv file on your desktop? I've been wondering how to do this, because I sometimes find compelling videos where I wonder whether they will be available in the future. Here's one answer. It's a site by "applian technologies" (not affiliated with youtube) that advises you to insert "pwn" after "www." and before "youtube . . . " It's all free and it does give you an option to NOT download applian's propriety browser toolbar. The site also offers a stand-alone .flv player for youtube videos that you download. I tried the downloader and the player and they both worked perfectly. These might come in handy someday soon.

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A Rant in Rhyme Saves Time

Here is a beat poem that first appeared on YouTube as a concert bootleg with subtitles about a month ago. The artist quickly had the bootleg taken down. And then received a Storm of protests, requests to post it again. Finally, he put it up himself. Sans subtitles, or even video. So listen well to a rational rant that many of us would love to be capable of delivering. Storm, by Tim Minchin I've seen those warning eyes from both my wives, and held my piece for a while. But the temptation is great to emulate this artists storm of bile.

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A Pat Metheny moment

I've admired and enjoyed the music of Pat Metheny for many years. His style is extraordinarily difficult to characterize. He can dazzle you with his blistering guitar solos that dwell simultaneously in the worlds of jazz, pop and classical. But he can also write and perform exquisitely beautiful ballads, such as this one entitled "Letter from Home." It's a short piece, only about two minutes, and it's well worth your trouble. If you've never before heard Pat Metheny's music, you're in for a treat: If you enjoyed that interlude, consider the following video as a change of pace. And how often do you hear a duet involving a guitar and a full set of drums?

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Sex, movies and videogames

Movies are a staple of American culture. Videogames are another staple. And yes, movies that feature videogames constitute ultra-special moments for those who are fans of both. What are some of the top movies that have utilized videogames as part of their story lines? Nick Smith of has taken away much of the guesswork by compiling video-gaming excerpts from National Lampoon's Vacation, Back to the Future II, Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin, National Lampoon's Vacation and many other popular movies. If you follow this link to Nick's site

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