Casual Mistaken Arrest

A friend has recently blogged about her experience being informally arrested and handcuffed around the corner from her apartment in the afternoon. She was going for a walk, and police pulled up, told her they had a warrant, handcuffed her, and then began checking her identity. She certainly wasn't who they were looking for, nor did the incident last a long time. I think that her peaceful Zen attitude, presumably nun-induced, kept it from being an experience worth suing about.

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What it means (and doesn’t mean) to be “open minded.”

What does it mean to be "open minded?" This excellent video gets right to it. Simple, straight-forward reasoning with entertaining animation. I've never seen this topic better-discussed. The video is by Doug, "Qualiasoup," who puts this quote on his youtube site:

"It is not acceptable to have a religion where the alternative to faith is punishment — that's how you train dogs, not develop people." - Deng Ming-Dao Consider some of his additional videos, such as this one on the basics of evolution.

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