Building lifeboats

I know that my past few posts have been bleak (see here and here), but now I must temper that sense of despair with some hope. Things are bad, and will probably get worse, but that's not to say that they will not get better. But here's the trick: we all have to stop relying upon someone else for solutions. Forgive me if I sound like a politician for just a moment: we must "be the change" we want to see in the world. I cannot tell you how to solve the peak oil problem, or the unfolding economic collapse, or climate change, or the corruption which has become endemic in our political system-- you have to figure it out for yourself. I'm not selling a prepackaged kit which contains all of the answers, and I would probably distrust anyone who was. But that's precisely why I still have hope. If we are going to make it through the challenges facing us, we must learn to pull together again as a community and actually attempt to create our own solutions. There can be no more delegation to those in Washington. We cannot afford to wait for decades as they attempt to muster the political will to combat the flood of money which has so damaged our electoral and political processes. We simply don't have time to fix the system that's been damaged beyond repair.

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Beware the eternal regress

The eternal regress is the greatest enemy of those who proffer simplistic explanations. The eternal regress is the reason why it doesn't work to say that there is a little person in the brain (without accounting for that little person). It is the reason why it doesn't work to announce that everything has to have a cause and then to explain the existence of the universe by reference to "God" without explaining how God came to exist. The lurking eternal regress is also why no simple explanation is complete. As Carl Sagan once said: "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."

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