Why Hasn’t Pfizer Conducted Random Controlled Studies and Published its Data Sets?

Dr. Vinay Prasad asks why Pfizer refuses to publish its data sets.  And that is merely one red flag of many in a video filled Prasad's damning accusations against Pfizer:

"The FDA is like Pfizer's lap dog. It's a little puppy dog that does whatever Pfizer says. It's enriching Pfizer and screwing the American people...There is no credible data that ever supported the booster that I was compelled by my employer to get at the risk of being fired...We caught them red handed. They slipped up. They gave us a piece of data that they didn't want to give us.". . .  The FDA is like Pfizer's lap dog. It's a little puppy dog that does whatever Pfizer says. It's enriching Pfizer and screwing the American people...It rots the core of public health. I don't trust public health anymore and I am a public health expert...

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Internet COVID Censorship: Zero-for-Four

Dr. Vinay Prasad:

It is kinda a big problem when government asks social media to censor people opposed to masking toddlers, closing schools, mandating boosters in young men and people suspicious of the narrative of natural origin, and then turn out to be wrong on every single issue.

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Free Speech and Meta-Thinking

Thinking is mostly not something you actively do. Thoughts mostly occur to you. They well up from below. “You” are the culmination of prior events over which you have little or no control. To the extent that people deny and abhor this fact, they are especially vulnerable to censorship.

[Added July 29]

I am largely in agreement with Sam Harris on the topic of free will.

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