Welcome to the new Plutocracy!

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” -- Warren Buffett, currently the world's third richest person
Most Americans have the sense that something's wrong in our country, and most realize that it's intimately tied up with money and politics. Those who have not studied the issues deeply could be forgiven for thinking we have a foreclosure problem, or an unemployment problem, or a Democrat problem, or a Republican problem, or a problem with Congress as a whole, but the truth is more important than those symptomatic issues. The truth is that we are now living in a nakedly plutocratic state-- that is, a state which is run by, and for, the wealthy. Or perhaps a corporatocracy (a state run by, and for, corporations), but they are functionally the same thing.

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How broken is our system of electing members of Congress?

How broken is our system of electing members of Congress? It's abominable, according to Senator Ted Kaufman, who is not seeking election and who is willing to speak candidly on major issues. It's no coincidence that he is not running and that he is willing to speak candidly, according to Kaufman.

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Americans are ignorant of basic religious teachings

Lots of people are talking about the new Pew Religious Knowledge Survey, which dramatically demonstrates that Americans are incredibly ignorant about the basic teachings of religions, including the basic teachings of their own religions. These Pew findings don't surprise me at all. I was raised Catholic and I have knows…

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Britain’s advertising authority bans pregnant nun ice cream ad.

An ice cream ad has been banned by Britain's advertising watchdog, apparently out of fear that it will offend those people who believe that it is possible to get pregnant without having sex. Actually, the "strapline" of the ad uses the phrase "immaculately conceived," which is interesting. In my experience, most Catholics will tell you with some certainty that the "Immaculate Conception" refers to the "fact" that Mary gave birth to Jesus even though she never had sex with a man. I challenge you to try this out on Catholics. At least 3 out of 4 will say this, but it is fundamentally incorrect. The "Immaculate Conception" refers to the claim that Mary herself was born without original sin. The writers of the ad got it wrong too, though maybe they did so purposely, knowing that so many Catholics get it wrong. And a new Pew survey shows that devout believers notoriously get the basic facts of their faith wrong (and see this DI post). This is phenomenal, given that so many believers claim that their faith is quite important to them.

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