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We welcome comments, especially those that disagree with our posts and those that point out perceived errors. Please send us your comments, as long as they are relevant to the post, informative and polite.
We consider all comments you send us to be intended for publication with attribution.
We reserve the right to edit your submitted comments for content, clarity, and length.
Here’s what will and won’t fly regarding comments.
The starting point is that I love comments. Without them, the posts lack life. Therefore, if you are tempted to comment, please do send it to us. You can do so anonymously (readers won’t see who you are). I rarely use the email address you provide in order to comment, though I occasionally write a note to a potential commenter asking for a clarification or thanking him or her for an especially good comment).
We will reject or edit comments to the extent that they contain the following:
- Potentially libelous comments.
- Obscene or racist comments.
- Personal attacks, insults, or threatening language.
- Plagiarized material or copyright violations.
- Private, personal information published without consent.
- Comments that violate copyright laws.
- Comments totally unrelated to the topic of the post.
- Comments that are unfocused, vague, meandering or ungrounded.
- Comments that substantially consist of preaching.
- Comments that fail to logically connect to the post.
- Promotions or spam.
- Comments that attempt to change the topic of the post to an unrelated topic.
- Repeated comments by the same author making the same point.
- Name-calling, personal attacks or racist taunting.
- Hyperlinks to material that is not related to the discussion.
Don’t send us comments that consist of lengthy writings you’ve pasted in from elsewhere, including news articles. Doing this could constitute a copyright violation. Instead, you should link to that information.
Anonymous posters should consistently identify themselves with the same name, so that readers know that all such comments are coming from a single individual.
Additional note on “preaching“: As used at this site, “preaching” is an attempt to announce what “God” thinks or what “God” wants, as though there is no legitimate alternative viewpoint as to what God “thinks” or “wants.” At DI, we have no objection to any person expressing what that person believes, himself or herself. And, admittedly, his or her comments might well be motivated by that person’s religious beliefs; it is no cause for editing that one’s own beliefs are motivated by religious beliefs. Expressing what one believes is not “preaching.” Directly indicating what “God” thinks or wants, however, is preaching. In our experience, preaching invites an endless and unproductive back and forth sharply focused on the authenticity of such claims: entirely predictable debates of whether “God” really thinks or desires “X.” Presenting one’s own religious views as incontestable facts is preaching. Any claims that are starkly presented as “God’s” opinion, or any quotation to any passages from any religion’s Sacred Literature, to the extent that those passages are intended to be unquestionable on any ground, are subject to pruning pursuant to this commenting guideline regarding “preaching.
The following types of comments are also subject to editing or complete rejection, at the discretion of the Administrator:
Soapboxing occurs when a person has a pet cause which is the only thing they ever want to talk about, regardless of the topic of the thread. If all your comments keep coming back to the same point, you’re soapboxing.
Imperviousness to reason. We expect that people who post comments at this site will show at least some responsiveness to arguments raised against their position. If your typical response to a counterargument is to repeat your original argument in unchanged form, you are not furthering the conversation. It is a duty of those who comment to acknowledge the points made in comments responding to your comment.
Thread derailing consists of straying from comments that are relevant to the post being commented on. A certain amount of topic drift is inevitable in any long-running discussion, but we reserve the right to close comments if the thread has wandered far afield.
Trolling. The essence of trolling lies not in any single comment, but in a pattern of behavior: persistently antagonizing other commenters, monopolizing the discussion, commenting just to provoke a response, and generally behaving in a way that produces more heat than light.
How do I get my photo to appear on my comment? A Word about Gravatar.
You can personalize your comments with your own image. Truly, it’s EASY. It will take 5 minutes at most, assuming you have an image of yourself ready. It’s totally free.
With Gravatar, you have total control over the image you’d like to use as author of posts (your photo will be displayed next to each comment you make). You can change it every day, if you’d like! Total control. Ownership society!
Just visit Gravatar
– Set up an account with the email address you normally use when you leave comments and choose a password
-upload a photo of yourself. Make it a GOOD photo (whatever the hell that means).
– Crop the photo at Gravatar by stretching the little cropping device over that part of the photo you’d like (presumably all of it)
– Associate that photo with your email address (you can associate that photo with multiple email addresses, if you want. Make sure you associate the address you submitted to me for use at DI)
-Tell Gravatar the “rating” of your photo (presumably it’s “G” rated – I’m only displaying “G” rated at DI).
That’s it. Whenever you leave a comment using that email address, your image will pop up too. Not just at DI, either. It will work at numerous other Gravatar-enabled sites.
So join us with your wise comments and your smiling face!
All emails received by this site (or by the individual authors) are considered intended for publication with attribution unless otherwise requested in the initial email from the writer.
Copyright Issues
The images that you’ll find on the posts written by Erich Vieth are his own works, unless indicated otherwise. All images by Erich Vieth at Dangerous intersection are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
All rights reserved regarding all writings by Erich Vieth. All rights reserved regarding any of the creative works by any of the other authors, unless indicated otherwise.
Note on advertising: I am an Amazon Associate. This means that I will earn a fee whenever readers click on the links of Amazon products at this site.”
Further notes on the monetizing of this site: I participate in Google Adsense, which means that I earn a small fee when uses click on Google ads. I have placed these ads at my site in order to defray the cost of hosting this site. Once in a great while, a book publisher will send me a copy of a book, asking me to review it. When I review such a book, I will disclose that I received a copy without paying for it.
Note: In the beginning years of this blog, I had many coauthors. They have now moved to publish their writings in their own spaces. Here are short bios of those coauthors.
Other Notices and Disclaimers
In case there is any doubt, we would be honored to have you link to our posts. No need to ask permission. We would prefer that you not copy entire posts, but that you limit your copying to excerpts (especially on our longer posts). Just make sure you give our writers credit!
The content contained in each of the posts on this site is exclusively attributable to the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of the other authors.
Dangerous Intersection is not responsible for, and often disagrees with, material posted in the comments section. Because this is an oftentimes vigorously paced opinion site we make no claim that we are able to fact-check each claim made by each comment.