The Importance of Free Inquiry at the Academy
Heterodox Academy has released this 3-minute video arguing for something that 20 years ago would have puzzled most people.
This video advocates for
- Free Inquiry at the Academy
- Encouraging the Life of the Mind, and
- The Use of Evidence when taking positions, rather than relying on mere feelings.
But this is 2021, and we are, in many places, continuing our descent into a new Dark Ages where an increasingly acceptable way to win an argument is to silence one's opponents, using economic threats and brute force if necessary, even at the Academy.
I fully support the following ideas of Heterodox Academy:
I fully support the above ideas in my role as a law professor and in my personal life. As an attorney affiliated with Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), I am willing to push back against persons and organizations violating these principles where they involve violations of civil rights, including violations of the First Amendment.
In fact, FIRE has now established a Faculty Legal Defense Fund to protect the speech of faculty members. Here is how it works:
Public college and university faculty who face a threat of sanction by their institution or have been punished for expressive activity—whether it’s instruction, scholarship, or speaking on issues of public concern—can submit matters for FLDF consideration. They can do so through FLDF’s dedicated 24-hour Hotline at 254-500-FLDF (3533), or submit a case online. Our staff quickly review the matter and, if it falls within FLDF’s mandate, connect the faculty member with one of the experienced nearby lawyers in the FLDF network for assistance.