Key U.S. Officials Advocating for War in Ukraine are the Same U.S. Officials who were Responsible for the Iraq Debacle

Joe Biden bears heavy responsibility for the lies leading up to the Iraq war, as well as the needless deaths. His enthusiasm for war led to our willingness to go to war in Ukraines.

Same thing for many other neocons who are responsible for pushing us to the brink of nuclear war in Ukraine. They were also responsible for the tragic Iraq war. These are people currently on Biden's team. This includes Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken. And see here.

Many of the same media stars who pushed the Iraq invasion also pushed the U.S. to get involved in Ukraine. This includes David Frum and Nicolle Wallace and Matthew Dowd and Bill Kristol and Max Boot.

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Medea Benjamin Drops a Truth Bomb During an Anthony Blinken Speech

Get this "crazy" woman out of here so that Anthony Blinken and his pals can figure out how to bring us even closer to the brink of nuclear war. Territorial disputes over the Donbas region so clearly affect ordinary Americans that we must roll the dice and risk EVERYTHING.

In this video, Medea Benjamin explains further:

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Biden’s Ukraine War Judgment: Fool You Twice, Shame on You

With the track record he earned throughout the Iraq debacle, Biden should never have been trusted with regard to Ukraine. And now the Ukraine self-inflicted adventure is clearly and predictably turning into a debacle that risks nuclear war. The video in the Tweet (below) is a stunning reminder of how Biden shut down debate on Iraq, just as he has now done on Ukraine.

Biden had no end game in mind on either of these imperialist oil-driven excursions. And BTW, still no mention of Biden's culpability (based on Sy Hersh's article) regarding the Nord Stream pipeline in NYT, WaPo, CNN, NPR or MSNBC. Biden is as good at shutting down the corporate left-leaning "news" media as he is in shutting down the Nord Stream Pipeline. He bragged that he was going to shut down the Nord Stream. There is evidence that he gave the order to blow it up and then the news media became clueless about who did it, lacking even a drop of curiosity once Biden ludicrously blamed Russia for blowing up its own pipe line. That nonsensical claim was code for the corporate media to get in line and take orders from the White House. That's what goes for journalism these days.

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Crickets . . . The Sound We Will Hear from Corporate Media Instead of Apologies

The Washington Post reported a story today without mentioning that until today, the paper has been engaging in reckless journalism for many months prior. Here's today's headline:

"‘Havana syndrome’ not caused by energy weapon or foreign adversary, intelligence review finds: After a years-long assessment, five U.S. intelligence agencies conclude it is ‘very unlikely’ an enemy wielding a secret weapon was behind the mysterious ailment.

To be a modern corporate journalist, you don't need any evidence to publish a story. All you need is to know someone in the federal government who whispers something to you that furthers your employer's favorite narrative. Just look at these clowns go at it, convincing each other that the sounds made by crickets were caused by a Russian high tech weapon that was frying the brains of U.S personnel. WaPo published DOZENS of these xenophobic articles. How much of our Russia-hate these days is because of journalistic malpractice?

Glenn Greenwald adds (and I agree that this is an easy bet):

This is yet another hoax where any ethical and actual news organization would go on air and say: "for years we told you something that turned out to be false. Here's why we did it. We apologize and retract our stories."

That they don't tells you all you need to know about them.

I just checked (March 1, 2023 at 11pm CT): The corporate media refusing to mention that the story was a hoax include: NYT, Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC and CNN.

Continue ReadingCrickets . . . The Sound We Will Hear from Corporate Media Instead of Apologies