Israeli conscientious objectors

Israel is a divided country regarding its military actions in Gaza.  This video will give you an idea of the intensity of the dispute among Israelis. [youtube][/youtube]

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Judging the violence of others

Psychologist Jonathan Haidt has written an excellent multidisciplinary work on the meaning of life, entitled The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom (2006). I am presently reading Haidt's book for the second time, paragraph by paragraph.  This is clearly one of the books I would take to a…

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I watched a good portion of Bush's last press conference and couldn't help thinking it was an audition for the part of a recovering junkie recently fallen off the wagon.  It wasn't the words so much as the body language and facial expressions that held my attention.  Surreal?  Hasn't the…

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Keep NASA independent of the U.S. Military

One of the “trial balloons” of the incoming Obama administration is a proposed consolidation of NASA with US military programs for space. The ostensible reason is “national security,” but insecurity about our military’s capabilities to keep up with Chinese efforts to explore and exploit space are at the core of…

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U.S. spent $52B on nukes last year

The U.S. spent $52 billion on nukes last year, according to the The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation between nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. The United States spent over $52 billion on nuclear weapons and related programs…

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