I'm not in a holiday mood at all. Weapons from my country keep killing adult and children civilians from Afghanistan and, based on America's newspapers, almost no one from the United States gives a crap. In fact, we are repeatedly hearing politicians and wanna-be politicians blithely talk of starting a war with Iran. Add to the Afghanistan carnage that at least 168 children have been killed by U.S. drones in the ongoing illegal war in Pakistan.
Now back to the dead civilians. Quite often, my "leaders" claim that those who were killed were "insurgents," though we must keep in mind that this term has a nefarious real-life meaning: anyone who is killed by an American weapon is a insurgent, and there is no American media present on the ground to dispute these sorts of government claims. Sometimes, we do admit that we have killed civilians, and the "solution" is to apologize to the mourning families, as though that means anything to the weeping families. As Glenn Greenwald points out, these American killings of children are not unusual and they thus are morally reprehensible. These killings by America keep occurring the midst of a ten year so-called war that is costing America $2 Billion per week. This is a grotesque amount of money to spend on an activity that has no feasible morally justifiable objective.
In the absence of any reasonably articulated objective, we are left with de facto objectives: We are indiscriminately killing children as part of our program to keep America's defense factories humming and to give American politicians an excuse to claim that they are "defending the United States."
You'll find articles on Black Friday everywhere you look today. If you are an American, you'll find almost nothing about the blood that is on your hands because you are not working hard enough to voice your opposition to this so-called "war" in Afghanistan. Your friends, family and politicians desperately need to hear more from you (and from me).