The real battle over Chuck Hagel
Glenn Greenwald points out the "problem" with Hagel:
There's a reason Hagel's nomination has become so intensely controversial and such a vicious target for war-cheering neocons such as Bill Kristol and the Washington Post Editorial Board. It's because Hagel is one of the very, very few prominent national politicians from either party who has been brave enough to question and dissent from the destructive bipartisan orthodoxies on foreign policy. What plausible Democratic candidate for this job has been willing publicly to point out that the US and Israel are separate countries and American interests should trump Israeli interests when they conflict, or to advocate for direct negotiations with Hamas, or to candidly point out that America's Middle East wars are fought for oil, or to condemn the power of the pro-Israel lobby within both parties, or to harshly point out the stupidity of attacking Iran rather than cowardly mouth the "all-options-on-the-table" platitude?Greenwald points out the conservative pretense for opposing Hagel, referencing a Michael Moore article that Harpoons Bill Kristol. Not long ago, Greenwald pointed out that it's not really Log Cabin Republican money that is financing the LCR attack on Hagel.