Selective empathy

We’ve had a horrible tragedy back here in the United States.   Thirty-three students are dead at Virginia Tech, with many others wounded. Our papers are going to spill a lot of ink on this story, as they should.  But on the other side of the world, multitudes of innocent civilians…

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Protect our soldiers from President Bush

A reader recently submitted this suggestion to Andrew Sullivan's site, The Daily Dish: As far as anti-war arguments go, why hasn't anyone simply stated that they're trying to protect the soldiers from President Bush, rather than the insurgents? Just saying we should end the war provides far too many opportunities…

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New rules regarding Iraq deployments are breaking the backs of our troops

Paul Rieckhoff, who has already served in Iraq, describes the crushing burden of the newly instituted 15-month tours of U.S. soldiers of Iraq: The current force level in Iraq is unsustainable, and is breaking the back of our armed forces. Like so many other choices made by the Bush Administration during…

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Bush is insane

The US House and Senate Democrats have passed supplemental funding bills for Iraq and Afghanistan which, for the first time, put conditions of oversight upon such funding, which past Republican Congresses had merely rubberstamped, with added pork. President Bush has cried “Wolf!”  His attack upon the bill first relied upon…

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