The financial cost of U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

As reported by The Raw Story, the U.S. is hemorhaging money into it's Middle East adventures.  The numbers are staggering: The United States is spending about $8,000 per man, woman and child in the country to pursue wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to new estimates that show the wars…

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Who is that screwing around with armed nuclear weapons?

Perhaps the rule should be that countries that don't show the utmost care for nuclear weapons shouldn't be allowed to have any.  Oops, that's us, according to the Associated Press: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Air Force said Friday it has punished 70 airmen involved in the accidental, cross-country flight of…

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Another retired U.S. General mouths off . . .

. . . and says the obvious, I should add.  Last week, it was retired General Sanchez, who blasted the Bush Administration, calling it "incompetent" in the way it has run the Iraq occupation. This week, it's Retired General John Abizaid, former CENTCOM Commander, who spoke about Iraq: During a…

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Maher on what it means to wear a little American flag on your lapel

"Show me a man wearing an American flag pin in his lapel, and I'll show you an asshole," said Bill Maher during a recent "New Rules" segment. What does it show that one puts a little flag on one's lapel or that one sanctimoniously goes around saying "God bless America?"  …

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