Uninventing suburbia

This article by Alex Williams covers a lot of territory, including: The environmental costs of suburban life, which evolved around the highway system, cheap oil, and the automobile and now typically consumes several times more energy per person (and thus fossil fuels) than urban living. There’s all that driving. There…

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Science – it is not just for the classroom anymore.

I believe that a strong foundation of critical thinking, innovation, curiousity about the natural world, rigorous adherence to non-biased exploration, and a bent toward problem solving is part of what has made our country great. I think science, when at its best, fosters those characteristics, and can help us continue…

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It’s like trying to explain how you can get “numbers from biscuits” or “ethics from rhubarb.”

What is the "it" referenced above?  "It" is the rich subjective experience of consciousness.  There's nothing else quite like consciousness, right?   Writing in Seed Magazine, Nicholas Humphrey suggests that, perhaps, consciousness is "not such a big deal." OK, but what is consciousness?  Why do we see the vivid redness of…

Continue ReadingIt’s like trying to explain how you can get “numbers from biscuits” or “ethics from rhubarb.”