Mission Accomplished?
Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune Reprinted with permission
Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune Reprinted with permission
Earlier this week, George Bush had a press conference to discuss the problem of high gasoline prices in the U.S. Amazingly, or predictably depending on how you look at it, Bush blamed the (Democrat-controlled) U.S. Congress. Topping his list of idiotic suggestions was that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should…
Imagine you were to come home from work one day and discover an inch of standing water in your living room -- soaking your carpeting and staining all your furniture. Would you calmly stand there sifting through your mail, or would you stop whatever you were doing and try to…
Bush sure has a talent for driving up the retail price of oil (and, thus, oil company profits). This week, with gasoline hitting all-time high prices, Bush directed the U.S. DoE's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to *buy* gasoline -- a move that enriches oil companies both directly (i.e., by making long-range…
What's it mean to be neutral? Is it possible to be neutral? I referred to the trusty Bible for guidance: Matthew 12:30: "He that is not with me is against me." Mark 9:40: "For he that is not against us is on our part." OK . . . BTW, there…