Bush Lied

There was no mistake, no inadvertence, no miscue, no stumbling about it. Bush and his cronies lied. And thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died because of those lies. It is truly shameful and incredible that George W. Bush still occupies the White House and is…

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Birds of a feather

In his earlier post, Erich pointed out the justifiable contempt we should all have for guys like McClellan & Powell, who repeatedly lied to the American people about the Iraq threat and helped lead our nation into an unnecessary and horribly costly invasion. However, I believe McClellan's revelations expose a…

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Note to Scott McClellan and Colin Powell: It’s too damned late. You both missed the boat.

Scott McClellan was the White House Press Secretary from 2003-2006. He has now published a new book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception, a book indicating that the Bush Administration was filled with corrupt and dishonest sons of bitches. Nice try, Scott, but it's…

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