Journalism, anyone?

I almost fell over when I saw this.  A reporter (Campbell Brown) is aggressively pursuing McCain hack Tucker Bounds, cutting through his BS.  If we had journalism like this two years ago, U.S. troops would have long been out of Iraq, we'd already have a serious and thoughtful national energy…

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Are we done touting McCain’s POW experience? Not at all!

You've gotta see this screenshot, which I found at the Daily Dish. How much longer are we going to have to hear claims that McCain's injuries and imprisonment somehow qualify him to be President?  Not since Jessica Lynch has victimhood been so successfully been turned into purported heroism.

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Tax cuts are just another type of government spending

Republicans like tax cuts, probably because the vast majority of tax cuts go to rich people, most of whom are Republicans. Of course, they can't admit that this is the reason why they like tax cuts so, instead, they declare that tax cuts will "stimulate the economy." Simultaneously, they condemn…

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Does Sarah Palin still support abstinence-only sex education?

Although I agree that the families of political candidates should be off-limits to questions, the announcement that Sarah Palin's unmarried teenage daughter is pregnant raises a question that bears directly on Palin's qualifications for the V.P. job: given that abstinence-only sex education obviously failed to prevent Palin's daughter from getting…

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