Meet the next Vice-President of the U.S. (beauty pageant video)

Yes, I overstated things in the headline, but it could happen if Americans don't wake up and get their butts out to the polls.   Speaking of butts, here's a peek at the person who might become the next Vice-President of the United States.    I have nothing to add to this…

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Dozens of top scientists support Obama for President.

Obama understands the importance of science as an important part of grappling with the huge problems Americans are facing.   Hence, this important vote of confidence by numerous nobel laureates. During the administration of George W. Bush, vital parts of our country's scientific enterprise have been damaged by stagnant or declining…

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What’s so bad about socialism?

This month's proposed bail-out of Wall Street financial institutions has gotten me thinking about socialism -- in particular, the knee-jerk reaction that some conservative Americans express whenever the word is mentioned. They say, "Oh, we can't have nationalized healthcare because that would be socialism," as if the word alone makes…

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